64th Scientific Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences – Open Readings 2021
This year, due to global COVID-19 pandemic, 64th Scientific Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences – Open…
>>This year, due to global COVID-19 pandemic, 64th Scientific Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences – Open…
>>Raspored sistematskih pregleda za studente I i III godine (prvi put upisani u tu godinu studija): Raspored sistematskih pregleda…
>>July 26 – Sept. 16, 2021 The Summer Student Program is offered to students on the advanced undergraduate level…
>>Application Deadline: APRIL 5, 2021 The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce…
>>Application Deadline: APRIL 5, 2021 The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce…
>>Upravni odbor Zadužbine Nikole Konjevića i Ružice Gregorić Konjević, pri Srpskoj akademiji nauka i umetnosti, dodelio je studentske stipendije…
>>U želji da podstakne mobilnost studenata, Ambasada Francuske i Francuski institut u Srbiji raspisuju novi konkurs za dodelu stipendija…
>>Meetup grupa Quantum Serbia organizuje panel pod nazivom „How to entangle academia and industry in quantum messiness?“ u četvrtak…
>>Na 34. vanrednoj sednici Senata Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, održanoj elektronskim putem, sa rokom izjašnjavanja do 27. novembra 2020….
>>Imajuću u vidu izazove u organizaciji nastave tokom školske 2020/2021. godine i otežane uslove rada i učenja u uslovima…