The international conference for students of physics and natural sciences – OPEN READINGS 2020 will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania on 17-20th of March, 2020.


Participants can take part in oral and poster sessions presenting on extensive range of topics. Participation is free of charge.

Conference programme consist of oral and poster sessions on extensive range of topics, social events and amazing invited speakers:

* Chennupati Jagadish, Australian National University, Australia
* Klaus-Dieter Kreuer Max Planck Institute, Germany
* Boris Chichkov, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
* Chihaya Adachi, Kyushu University, Japan
* OSRAM representative

And more to be announced!

We believe that such experience is essential for students, especially
for those who are seeking a career in science. Also, it is a great
opportunity to listen a world-class invited speakers and to get some
experience a giving talk or making a poster. Our conference is open for
any enthusiastic student from all over the world. Last year we gathered
more than 450 presenters form 15 different counties, this year you have
a chance be one of them!

For more information please visit: