Međunarodni letnji studentski program GSI/FAIR 2022
In view of the present covid-19 pandemic situation worldwide it is not yet clear, whether a regular Summer Student…
>>In view of the present covid-19 pandemic situation worldwide it is not yet clear, whether a regular Summer Student…
>>Upravni odbor Zadužbine Nikole Konjevića i Ružice Gregorić Konjević, pri Srpskoj akademiji nauka i umetnosti, raspisuje konkurs za dodelu…
>>Turku Åbo Summer School offers you Finnish world-class education in an innovative learning environment, combining studying with an active…
>>Univerzitet u Novom Sadu raspisao je jedinstveni Javni poziv za prijavu kandidata za Erazmus+ odlaznu mobilnost sa Univerziteta u…
>>July 26 – Sept. 16, 2021 The Summer Student Program is offered to students on the advanced undergraduate level…
>>Application Deadline: APRIL 5, 2021 The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce…
>>Application Deadline: APRIL 5, 2021 The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce…
>>U želji da podstakne mobilnost studenata, Ambasada Francuske i Francuski institut u Srbiji raspisuju novi konkurs za dodelu stipendija…
>>Na 34. vanrednoj sednici Senata Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, održanoj elektronskim putem, sa rokom izjašnjavanja do 27. novembra 2020….